Thursday, October 30, 2014

SDC - Elementary - Writing Tests and Reading

Writing Tests

Escriba UNO solo de los tres textos que se presentan a continuación.

a) Write about a vacation you took. Describe in around 100 words where you went, how you traveled, how the weather was, where you went and if you had a good time there.

b) Write about the store you work for or know well. Describe in 100 words what its name is, how  many levels it has, what departments it has, what you do there and how we can get to your office from the entrance.

c) Write about a suggestion for your job. Write about what the person should do and shouldn't do in your job in around 100 words.

Reading test.

Lea el texto y únicamente envíe las respuestas a las preguntas.

1. Why do you think people with confirmed reservations became "no-shows"?
2. What are some advantages of getting dumped? Would you volunteer to get off an overbooked flight?
3. What are some advantages of GPS systems? What are some disadvantages?
4. Do you prefer GPS systems or paper maps?


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